Thursday, September 6, 2018

#No Filter Needed

Anyone who knows me... knows I’m a pretty real person. A straight shooter.... I don’t hold much back. This is something I struggle with everyday. If you are deserving of a word slap..... please fully expect one. I was brought up to be honest and genuine, work hard, be kind and loving...blah blah blah. But in this very Politically Correct world this is difficult. I have seen so many blogs bashing our MILLENIALS.... and while I agree with SOME of it I really have to say....they are a product of their environment and upbringing. Don’t bash them for getting the participation trophy and having this false sense of entitlement... the generations before us implemented that. They didn’t have a choice in the matter.

Politically correctness has consumed our world to a point of ridiculousness. People complain and yet out the other side of their mouth don’t know the meaning of being real. Nor can they handle it when they are faced with it. I have been chastised more times then not for being too outspoken, too opinionated, even called rude. I’m ok with that. You either love me for being Frank or hate me for being frank. If you wrong are going to hear about it. If you wrong my child or family... you are going to hear about it. Plain and simple.

My spouse and I discuss this all the time. He is classy and has wayyyyyy more finesse than I. I admire this trait and yet I rage against it. There are certain people in this world that are absolutely heinous people and yet because of status, or position or wealth or social etiquette....everyone is nice to them. This drives me insane. If I don’t like you....I just don’t like you. What you what you get. I won’t go out of my way to be mean or rude but I refuse to enable you and your reprehensible behaviour. Being nice to these people when you dislike them is two faced in my opinion. My spouse disagrees and probably many others would too. We were out at a social function and one of these undesirables made their entrance. she worked her way around the room giving hugs to everyone. Even my spouse accommodated this snake as she slithered her way around. She got to me and pretended to be my best friend....outstretched arms (after telling someone that my spouse and I were swingers) I promptly looked at her and said NO.....get to stepping. People were appalled. But guess what.....she now knows where my boundaries are and knows I will not tolerate her behaviour. Meh.... I’m not missing out. She avoids me at every corner.....mission accomplished.

Facebook is unindated with this #NoFilterNeeded..... people apparently want the raw..real.. unaltered you!!! So let’s give it to them. Drop the act. Drop the masks. Drop the fakeness. See, my train of thought is this....if I’m nice to someone and their behaviour is less than desirable then I’m enabling them. I am saying..... your behaviour is OK and you may continue to disrespect me and others. If more people refused to allow them to carry on without consequence.....their behaviour would soon change. Boundaries established.

   I had a very dear friend say to me.....Kelly, you should never say anything negative. My knee jerk reaction was....BULLSHIT. That is NOT real... that is not Life. Life is hard... and messy.. and sad.. and happy and educational. There are positive times and there are negative times..... this is life and I will react accordingly. I am not a cruel or mean person... quite the opposite. If you are a part of my circle no one will love and support you harder than I.....I will be your personal cheerleader when you excel and lend a shoulder when you need it.....but you will know without a shadow of a doubt if you have overstepped.

So in this world of politically correctness I challenge you to be real.... it cuts through allllll the drama and reveals to you....your true tribe. Way more peace and way more love. Say exactly whats on your mind.... don’t suppress it.....let it will eliminate the need for future therapy sessions. Special thanks to James Douglas (who loves me even when I don’t conform)...Paul Brinco for being a true friend and pointing out my bad behaviour and Kim Bright Wallace for spending most of the morning talking me down. It was wayyyy more satisfying than taking that person out behind the woodshed and choking the living shit outta them. NOT!! But at least I’ve maintained that *haven’t killed anyone* streak. End of Rant....